your soul.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Write to save your life.

Want to save your life? Write! Imagine this: writing has been found to help people solve their problems faster and live better lives. Simply reimagine your life, rewrite your own narrative, write down the way you want your life to be and watch as things fall into place. Truly an amazing way to look at how writing can save your lif...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Thoughts on Cardiac Depression and Robin Williams

The link between cardiac surgery and depression is a real thing and it may have played a role in Robin Williams' suicide. I know because I suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and I have ever since my first cardiac event. My cardiologist told me that it was very common to suffer from these things following any cardiac surgeries. I've had several. My very first panic attack was when I had a carotid stent put in. I was made to lie on a table...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Bullying Post on HarperCollins Classroom

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Letter to a Bullied Girl

Okay, so I'm kind of freaking out a little bit. I received an email from a follower of this blog. I tried to email her back, but her account wasn't accepting emails. The girl said that she was being bullied and that she has tried to commit suicide several times and that she knows she will again. She also asked for help on writing about her experiences with being bullied and wanted some advice. The fact that I can't reach her is scaring me, so I'm posting the email (of course, I'm not using her name) I sent back to her. Hopefully she reads this...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Amanda Bynes Identity Crisis?

I know that I typically only post about writing related topics, but for my next novel I've been doing a lot of research on mental disorders and juvenile delinquents. Now I now that Ms. Bynes is not a teen and has not been officially diagnosed with a mental disorder (though many speculate that drugs are behind her sudden apparent craziness). And yet, I have noticed another interesting aspect about this young star. She seems to be physically morphing...

Friday, April 5, 2013

"I’m sorry Mr. Kipling, but you just don’t know how to use the English language."

These were the words used by one of the editors of the San Francisco Examiner newspaper when rejecting one of Rudyard Kipling’s short stories. Think of how many authors today would be discouraged and would just completely give up writing if they read those words in a review or a rejection letter. I came across a list of famous authors who were rejected (often repeatedly) by agents, editors and publishers.  Read this list the next time you receive a rejection letter or particularly painful review and it should give you the strength to carry...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dear Bully is featured on front page of NY Times Arts section!

Here is the link! I will be scanning and posting here shortly! Though I don't love the headline "Publishers Revel in Youthful Cruelty" (what?!?! Really?!, it's an honor to be included and I feel that the bulk of the story shows how the publishing world is rallying together to tackle this growing issue. In any case, CLICK HERE to read the article and ENJOY...

Monday, March 11, 2013

I've made promises I couldn't keep, but...

this time I mean it when I say I'm going to update my blog more often. No more excuses. So I'm starting off with a question. Does anyone know how to link or add a Tumblr widget to Blogger? There are Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, GooglePlus and many other widgets available to add to Blogger blogs, but I have yet to find one for Tumblr. Are they in competition? Is Tumblr the one last thing on Earth not owned by Google or Amazon? Hmmmm.... In any case, even though this doesn't look like a blog, it's just a really jazzed up version of a regular...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Piper meets Adam Sandler


Monday, April 2, 2012

You are not alone video

Just wanted to share an anti-bullying video that I pulled together over the weekend. I'll show you two versions. The first one goes a little fast and many people have told me that in bullying presentations, the quotes are too hard to read.  But I still like it, so I'll show it here. The second one is trimmed a bit (in terms of pictures of celebrities) and slowed down so that kids can read the quotes during assemblies (which is why I created this in the first place). Let me know what you think. If you like it, pass it on. Thanks...